Annual Prize Winners

Oracles of the Bush Senior Poetry Results 2008

Adult Sections Written:  

1. A Humorous Theme -

Winner:      Claire Reynolds (Gloucester)  "That Trip to Cape york"

Commended:  Ellis Campbell (Dubbo)    "Mechanical Surrender"

Commended:  Lyn Bunkum (Gympie)  "The Novice Performer"

Commended:  Kym Eitel (Limestone Creek) "Toothpaste"

2. Battler Spirit, Larrikin or Contemporary Concerns                           

Winner: Dennis Scanlon (Cleveland) "The Bang Tail Muster"

Commended: Pamela Fox (Beaudesert)  "The New Governors" 

Commended:  Kym Eitel (Limestone Creek) "A Bell in the Mist"

Commended:  Kym Eitel (Limestone Creek) "My Homestead, My Tin Shed" 

Adult Sections Performance:  

3. Original Work 

Winner:     John Lloyd (Mackay) "Where Two Rivers Make a Creek"

4. By Other Poets

Winner:     Susan Carcary "Vigilance"           

Junior Sections:  

6. Primary (9 & Under)                                                                 

Winner:   Rory Whitton (St. Joseph's)  -"My Mate"                  

Oracles Prize:   Trent Pulford (St. Joseph's) - "The Scary Redback" 

Judges' Prize: Lachlan Kerrvers (St. Joseph's) - "Grandma"

Highly Commended: Tamara Barnes (Drake) "A Good Scout"

Highly Commended: Breanna Clark (S.H.P.M.S.) "Bushfires"   

7. Primary  Over 10

Winner: Ashleigh Pulford (St. Joseph's)  - "The Outbreak" 

Oracles Prize: Hannah Whitton (St. Joseph's) - "Minnie"

Commended: Joanna Lusty (S.H.P.M.S.) - "My Family" 

Highly Commended: Nicole Petrie (Drake) "Sandy Hills Hut"

Highly Commended: Shona Lees (S.H.P.M.S.) "Boys"   

Highly Commended: Jessie Little (Drake) "The Farm"

Highly Commended: Jackson Rings (S.H.P.M.S.) "Skiing" 

8. Student Performance - Tenterfield Shire

Winner:  Ashleigh Pulford (St. Joseph's)

Oracles Prize: Daniel Duff (T.H.S.)   

9. Student Performance - All Districts

Winner:  Ambre Woodward (T.H.S.)

Encouragement Prize:  - Katryn Kelly (Evans Head)